Saturday, February 1, 2014

What a day!

What a day! I know some of you will think that it's TMI (too much info). But I have to share it because it's quite traumatizing and writing it out will be part of the therapy for me to move on! Toilet bowls hate me today! In the first bathroom, it would not flush, thus I manipulated it until it flushed! However the water would not stop filling up the tank after flushing thus overflowed onto the floor!! A while ago, when I tried to flush the second toilet in the second bathroom, it flushed halfway and then clogged up! And of course, water overflowed again!!! I was literally going 'Oh my gosh, this is bad! Oh Lord please do not let the flushed 'things' float up' over and over again in my head! Luckily my prayer was answered! What a relief! Almost had a heart attack! Had to spend a long time in the bathroom cleaning it!! What a day!

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